Graphic Design | Your Portrait or Mine Review

The question is: in each production - even if the artist represents someone else - how much of his/her person does the artist insert in his/her work?

When we decide to represent someone, does the viewer learn a lot about the subject or does he/she learn more about the artist himself/herself though his/her vision of the subject and his/her artistic choices?

Never mind if the artist tries to forget himself/herself to serve the subject, the artist will always be trapped into his/her subjectivity somehow. There is no truth, only many point of views.

This subjectivity can appear at different stage: during the genesis (what the artist choses to express), the process (draft tools, etc.) and of course the final result.

The media is really important as well. It is both an asset and an obstacle: every media is limited. They can be useful to highlight one element but useless for another one.