FB campaign | Brainstorming with myself #2

After spending hours thinking about my concept of syringe (see post FB campaign | Brainstorming with myself #1), I realised I could not exposing the consequences AND keep a minimalist style.

So I started over.

I needed new ideas and new inspiration to fresh my mind. So I decided to have a look on what I think is the most genius posters inspiration > politic propaganda, specially the productions of Germany. URSS and USA during WW2 and the Cold War.

I noticed two important things thanks to this research:

  1. you need a catch line, short and effective
  2. you need to use collective psyche and twist or extrapolate it (hyperbole)
I had a new idea > use a popular saying and twist to make my statement clear and easy to remember.

While I was browsing the US politic propaganda, I notice some posters about President Nixon. I immediately thought about Watergate Scandal.

Facebook holds a impressive quantity of personal details about its users and most of the people have no idea that those details are recorded - even when it's not on your screen, it's still in their hard drives.

First I thought about taking a really famous pic of President Nixon and insert the face of Mark Zuckerberg. But really fast I realised that the teenagers won' t catch up the reference.

Back to basics > I need to use a recognisable element of FB and twist it.

I took the ''I like'' hand with the thumb up, turned it over and added a voice recorder inside. A way to express: be careful about the hidden part

Then I found my catch line > one minute on your screen, a lifetime in their records (from ''One second on your lips, a lifetime on your hips)

I just needed to express what the poster would recommend the teenagers to behave: be careful about what you share.

''Think about what you share'' > the teenager should act responsible. This is his/her role to control this aspect of Facebook and the consequences will be only on them.

About the style, I wanted to keep really simple : vector drawing of the ''i like'' hand (exactly the same used on FB), FB colours and font, limited colour palette and effects. I think it's essential to stick as long as we can at the FB graphic identity.

1st draft: