FB Campaign | Final result


I want to sensitize the teenagers about the consequences of their actions on Facebook. All the things they post, share, like, comment, etc. will leave a trace somewhere in the web for the next years and they need to think twice before to do anything on FB.

Top line ‘’Think about what you share’’

The challenge is to touch the teenagers. To make my statment efficient, better to avoid lecturing them: they want to be treated like adults and not like children.

I chose the word ‘’Think’’ (instead of carefull, my first choice). It is about their actions, their responsibilities and the consequences will be on them.

The word ‘’share’’ have been chosen because it belongs to FB vocabulary and it’s stronger than ‘’like’’ (idea of revealing part of your person).

Illustration & design choices

I needed to take a recognizable graphic element of Facebook. I chose the ‘’Like’’ hand with the thumb up, reversed it and added a voice recorder > target will right away recognize Facebook visual identity and it is also a way to express ‘’be aware of hidden parts because there are always some’’.

To strengthen the link to Facebook, I also used the same blue and the same font.

For the background, I wanted the poster to be simple and clear so I chose a white background. I added a slight ‘’brick’’ texture to echo the idea of the wall of FB.

I added ‘’craquelure’’ texture on the hand to illustrate that FB is not as smooth as it appears and there are some flaws.

Bottom line ‘’One minute on your screen, a lifetime in their records’’

I wanted something easy to remember to explain the consequences. I chose the popular saying ''One second on your lips, a lifetime on your hips’’ and twisted it.

Plus the term ‘’lifetime’’ is a perfect hyperbole to express the dangers.

The term ‘’records’’ comes to echo the voice recorder on the illustration.