What is skateboarding?
Skateboarding can be a leisure, transport, sport or even career choice.
Its targets are essentially boys and men from 8 to 30 yo.
When we think about skateboard we picture right away some key ideas:
- relax way of life
- outdoor activity
- street culture
- reckless attitude
Most of the time, it is a social activity: skateboarders have a group of friends skateboarders.
There are multiple size and kind of skate boards and each has its own target because they all have a different use. Basically we have 2 kinds of boards: the ones for cruising and the ones for skateboarding (tricks and figures).
The first example of cruising board I have in mind is the long-board. The users of the long-board will usually be in the second half of their 20ies. They are also more related to the beach culture (research of surf sensations).
The 20'' desk board became really popular the past years: it is small, compact, perfect to cruise and then carry on. Its target is amateurs skateboarders that just want to cruise from their home to their workplace or school.
If my memories are correct, skateboarding was developed in 70ies by Californian surfers. This practice became really popular in the 80ies and 90ies.
A lot of people from this generation still touched by this cultural practice today.
Skateboard is often something related to the childhood.
I think it will be really interesting to explore a theme and design some boards decks for this target:
- 25-30 yo
- adults with stable works
- used to practice a lot when they were younger
- use boards as a transport or occasionally