Design Principles | Post Cards Final Result

Moments in your life when it is relevant 

to send or receive a post card

Post Card #1 | BIRTH

I used the shape of the B to symbolise the pregnant body. To highlight this idea I cut the B to remind the shape of an arm holding the belly.
I used the principle of continuity and did the same with the H inside the B, symbol of the infant inside the belly.
I used analogous colours of blue because this colour symbolises something new.

Post Card #2 | GRADUATION

For this postcard, I used closure to reveal a graduation hat.
I used the background to complete the closure effect.
The placement of the letters matters as well: I wanted to show the idea of evolution so the R is bigger and above the G.
I chose yellow and and orange because they symbolise achievements. They are bright and warm which brings the ideas of hope and having the life ahead.

Post Card #3 | Wedding

The two letters are united - symbol of the marriage.
Then I added little letters. The similarity, proximity and position give the illusion of bubbles in a liquid and bring the idea of champagne.
The red and pink express the passion and love.

Post Card #4 | Death

The principle of closure reveals a coffin. The position of the little white A comes strengthen this image.
The letters are lying down and their axe is going down to symbolise the fall of the death.
The dark blues bring the idea of the night and the end of the journey.

The 4 Post Cards

The four postcards represent four key moments in the life and they belong to a coherent group. I wanted to show it by linking them and make them work together as well.
Once positioned side by side, the background colours reveal a continuation showing when life evolves and declines. This movement is also visible in the positions and the axes of the letters.